Love Coming

New Earth Sign Posts | A Whole New World


From Universal Rainbow Guide  
  Chapter Eleven: Unification Signposts

The world is changing around us as we progress into the new millennium. Some believe they still have the power to continue on with the old, decaying and antiquated ways. They believe by sinking a peace ship or detouring a peace march then the “Idea whose time has come” will be stopped. If it were true that physicality controlled the universal matrix then perhaps these 1% of misplaced power could have the controlling power. However, in the universal matrix it is the power of energy and the essence of spirituality that is the overriding factor. These give power to physicality, not the other way around. The People of the Rainbow know; you can sink a ship, but “You Can't Sink A Rainbow.” In spite of the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior the essence of love, service and wisdom by the stewards of the earth continue, gaining strength and momentum. Movements like those prophesied by countless sages and seers would “By their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.” Initiated by groups, like the ones responsible for the connective power seen in symbolism of the peace sign and Greenpeace's heroic efforts, our time of a new world has arrived. Now there are over ten thousand professional peace and justice, environmental awareness and community building organizations encircling our globe. Those with the “white stone” of purity, who operate with a foundation in love, are rolling across the earth changing, purifying and enlightening. Most people attribute the creation of the quote “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace” to Jimi Hendrix. . . .

The People of the Rainbow know; you can sink a ship, but “You Can't Sink A Rainbow.”
. . . . All of Earth's people and even Earth herself is moving into a higher vibration. We are like the rainbow and its seven frequencies of color. We have developed through our lower chakra centers and elevated ourselves above the need to be driven by security, materialism and survival as represented by our red root chakra. Now people are living more in their higher vibrating chakras of love, communication, psychic power and universal wisdom as represented by their heart, throat, third eye and crown centers. The other lower chakras are still spinning fully and freely yet now they act as grounding elements for us while we enjoy the full spectrum of who we are inherently. We are individually and collectively living in the full center of who we are gathering more of the full momentum of higher vibration everyday. This center is the Merkabah center which is the center of all life and light. This central point is the absolute center arising out of zero dimension. At zero center all points in space merge and become infinite potential.
Now people are living more in their higher vibrating chakras of love, communication, psychic power and universal wisdom as represented by their heart, throat, third eye and crown centers.
The dimensions are merging together on a conscious level at this time in history upon this planet. We are moving beyond linear thinking as represented by a line, the shortest distance between two points – the 1st dimension. Our consciousness is elevated into and beyond the planes of experience as given to us within the 2nd dimension. We now live in an awareness of the experiential field which encompass the six directions of space. We are living within the cube matrix aware of all from left/right, front/back and top/bottom of three dimensional reality. Entering into the New Age we are connecting as never before to even higher dimensional worlds and planes of existence on 4th and 5th dimensional levels. We are now beginning to experience what has always been, except now we are doing it on a conscious level. The rainbow in tandem with Sacred Geometry offers us a template to our multidimensional connection. Within the rainbow that is painted down upon the sacred forms the observer sees their convergence with many levels of being. Starting at the merkabah center of the Rainbow Equation the observer is at absolute zero point and dimension. Here at center, . . .

. . . . The people of earth are at this time being handed a “Little Book” in which contains the mysteries of the matrix of space and the divine intelligence. All function as one. The measurements given by the rainbow and its emissary, the Rainbow Angel, now shines brightly forth with a message for all humanity – matter, consciousness and space all flow from the same undivided and single source. . . .

. . . . This is representative of the Matrix of the Cube City becoming one with the people of the earth – the fourth dimension merging unprecedentedly with the third dimension. This blending of the 3rd and 4th dimensions into the 5th is bringing about a Whole New World to “Wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain. All of that has gone forever. And the one sitting on the throne said, See, I am making all things new!”
The people of earth are at this time being handed a “Little Book” in which contains the mysteries of the matrix of space and the divine intelligence.
With the arrival of the new energy our world will change around us. We will be living more in our higher chakra centers and with this we all will become more psychic, more loving and more able to communicate a language full of compassion and wisdom. In a spiritual sense, this is a time when “heaven” will be on earth. It is said that the next dimension is the fifth. This is where souls dwell during their passage between lives. Here, all is love and beauty. Here, there is no separation. All thoughts manifest quickly for there is no counting of time. There is no need for light for the light of consciousness lights all things from the inside out. In the new world as the veil between the borderland of earth and fourth/fifth dimensions are lifted we will gradually see more and more of this reality. . . .

. . . . . Living in the total matrix of the rainbow, which is the unity of light, we become one with the restorative and resurrection powers of Universal Source.

The Aquarian Gospel Chapter 157:27-30 “But while conflicts rage on land and sea, the Prince of Peace will stand above the clouds of heaven and say again: Peace, peace on earth: good will to men; and every man will throw away his sword, and nations will learn war no more. And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the son of man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near.”

We are entering into the Permanent Golden Age, commencing the Age of Aquarius, represented by the one who bears the pitcher and the rainbow as a sign and a signet. This is the time of the redemption of the earth as foretold by prophets from every time and every clime. This is the time when, as prophesied, there will peace on earth, nations will beat their swords into plow shears and we will learn war no more! This is the time as the popular 1960's R&B band “The 5th Dimension” sang about in one of their most spectacular hit songs, “The Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In.”

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Harmony and understanding, Sympathy and trust abounding, No more falsehoods or derisions, Golden living dreams of visions. Mystic crystal revelation and the mind's true liberation. Then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars. Let the sunshine in. Open up your heart and let it shine on in.”